Professional Development and Certification Committee (PDCC) – This committee has officers, membership, and duties in accordance with its Charter. The Training Cadre functions as a subcommittee of the PDCC.
Chair: Joe Remondini
PDCC Secretary/Treasurer: Carolyn Schultz
Training Cadre Chair: Bill Smith
Disaster Response Team (DRT) – The DRT Standing Committee shall be chaired by the DRT Coordinator. The Executive Director of OFMA, the State NFIP Coordinator and a minimum of two other members shall compose the DRT committee. The DRT Committee shall oversee the organization and activities of the DRT as described in the initial formulation program, or as amended or needed with the approval of the OFMA Board of Directors.
Chair (DRT Coordinator): Bill Smith
Vice-Chair (Alternate DRT Coordinator): Tom Leatherbee
Outreach – The Outreach Committee shall be chaired by the Outreach Chair. Membership in the committee will be on a volunteer basis from OFMA membership.
Publicity will function as a subcommittee of the Outreach Committee. This Committee will be responsible for raising the profile of OFMA and its members by generating publicity for awards, nominations and other achievements. The Committee is also responsible for generating interest in the Traveling Trunks program and any other programs sponsored by OFMA. The Committee is also responsible for publicizing conferences and other event.
The Tribal Liaison will function as a subcommittee of the Outreach Committee.
The Calendar Subcommittee is responsible for creation, production and distribution of the Turn Around, Don’t Drown calendar contest.
The Membership Subcommittee will create and implement a program for each year to promote and retain membership in OFMA. Other activities will be at the discretion of the Outreach Committee with approval of the OFMA Board of Directors.
Chair: Austin Dugger
Publicity: TBA
Tribal Liaison: TBA
Calendar Chair: Janet Meshek
Membership: TBA
Insurance and Regulatory Affairs Committee – The Insurance and Regulatory Affairs Committee shall be chaired by Insurance and Regulatory Affairs Chair, who shall also be designated Legislative Director for the Association. Committee membership is open to all OFMA members, subject to approval of the Board. The Committee is charged with implementing the Association’s policy priorities, determining legislative strategies, and interfacing and building relations with regulatory agencies and public officials. The Committee also is responsible for promoting Flood Insurance and implementing initiatives related flood insurance, including the Map Change Assistance Program. The committee plans the annual Legislative Reception.
Chair: Tom Leatherbee
Conference Committee – The Conference Committee shall be chaired by the Vice-Chair of the OFMA Board of Directors. Membership in the committee will be on a volunteer basis from OFMA membership. This Committee is responsible for planning, coordination, publication, nominations and awards for the OFMA Annual Fall Conference.
Nominations will function as a subcommittee of the Conference Committee and shall be chaired by the Current Past Chair. This Committee will solicit and create a slate of proposed officers for presentation at the Annual Meeting each year. Additional nominations may be made from the floor during the Annual Meeting.
Awards will function as a subcommittee of the Conference Committee and will review award nominations each year, obtain and distribute awards at the OFMA Annual Fall Conference Banquet.
Chair: Current Vice-Chair
Conference Committee Co-Chair: Brandon Claborn
Nominating: Past Chair
Awards: Kenny Schwab
Community Support – The Community Support Community shall be chaired by the Community Support Chair. Membership in the Committee will be on a volunteer basis from OFMA membership.
Mitigation will function as a subcommittee of the Community Support Committee and shall be chaired by the Mitigation Chair. This Committee will meet on as needed basis to oversee or perform mitigation activities within the State, or respond to specific requests for investigation or evaluation by the OFMA Board of Directors.
The CRS working group will function as a subcommittee of the Community Support Committee and shall be chaired by the CRS Work Group Chair. This Committee will serve as a resource for communities in the CRS program and those looking to join the CRS, holding educational sessions and working with FEMA and ISO to disseminate useful information about the program.
Stormwater Quality will function as a subcommittee of the Community Support Committee and shall be chaired by the Stormwater Quality Chair. This Committee will work to provide cooperation and communication between floodplain management professionals and stormwater quality professionals. It will work to reinforce protection and enhancement of the natural and beneficial functions of the floodplain to benefit flood damage prevention, maintain stormwater quality and improve public health and safety within the streams and watershed of Oklahoma.
Chair: TBA
Mitigation: Jamie Ott
Stormwater Quality: Morgan Lozoya
Finance – The Finance Committee shall be chaired by the Treasurer. Membership in the Committee will be on a volunteer basis from OFMA membership. This Committee will create and recommend to the Fiscal Year’s budget to the OFMA Board of Directors.
Fundraising will function as a subcommittee of the Finance Committee. This Committee will seek out sponsors and other interested parties to provide for future funding of OFMA programs and projects.
The Budget Committee will function as a subcommittee of the Finance Committee. This Committee will create, revise, and recommend a budget for each Fiscal Year from January to December. It should be initially presented to the OFMA Board of Directors in November and must be adopted by December 31 of each year.
Chair: Treasurer (Currently Carolyn Schultz)
Fundraising: All members
Budget: TBA