In September 1997, the Oklahoma Floodplain Managers Association (OFMA) adopted a statewide program for certifying floodplain managers. The program recognizes continuing education and professional development that enhance the knowledge and performance of local, state, federal and private-sector floodplain managers. The OFMA certification program is nationally recognized and accredited by the Association of State Floodplain Managers, Inc. (ASFPM) as a Chapter that has established a national program for professional certification of floodplain managers. ASFPM is considered to be the authority on floodplain management throughout the Nation.
The role of the nation’s floodplain managers is expanding due to increases in disaster losses, the emphasis being placed upon mitigation to alleviate the cycle of damage-rebuild-damage, and a recognized need for professionals to adequately address these issues. Floodplain managers come from a variety of careers and backgrounds. This certification program will lay the foundation for ensuring that highly qualified individuals are available to meet the challenge of breaking the damage cycle and stopping its negative drain on the nation’s human, financial, and natural resources.
The formation of a professional certification program is recognized as an effective means to:
Formalize a procedure to recognize and provide an incentive to individuals to improve their knowledge of floodplain management concepts;
- Enhance individual professional development goals;
- Promote an understanding of relevant subject matter that is consistent nationwide;
- Convey new concepts and practices; and
- Building partnerships among organizations and agencies that share the goal of advancing sound floodplain management.
Please note that Applicants who wish to become a Certified Floodplain Manager in Oklahoma must take the L273 Course. This is a requirement in Oklahoma. This class is a week-long class that is jointly sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Oklahoma Water Resources Board and OFMA.
Applicants Wishing to Obtain the Initial Designation as Certified Floodplain Manager, must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Be an Active Member of OFMA
- Complete FEMA Accredited Floodplain Administrator training course
- High School Diploma or GED, at least
- Submit a completed Application Packet
- Pay Application Fee
- Receive a Passing Test Score on Certification Exam
Once an individual obtains certification, it will be necessary to annually perform the following activities for re-certification:
- Maintain OFMA Membership
- Submit a “short form” application
- Submit Continuing Education Credits (CEC’s) 16 in a 2-year period
To download the CEC Policy, CFM Application, CFM Renewal Form or CFM Retake Application click the buttons below.