The Oklahoma Floodplain Management Association (OFMA) was officially organized in November 1990, with the intent of bringing together those individuals who have a common interest in floodplain management. In the first year of its existence, membership more than tripled. In September of 1999 the name was changed to Oklahoma Floodplain Managers Association. The OFMA would like to invite you to join us and work together to promote better floodplain management around the state.

Goals & Objectives

The objectives of the OFMA are to promote interest in flood damage abatement, improve cooperation among various related local, state and federal agencies and to encourage innovative approaches to managing the nation’s floodplains.


The OFMA issues a quarterly newsletter with current information about the business of floodplain management and broadening the public’s awareness of Oklahoma’s flood hazards.

The OFMA holds an annual conference with guest speakers which discuss pertinent floodplain management issues. Interacting with other members also provides opportunities for exchanging ideas and networking among agencies and companies to build cooperation.

Target Membership:

  • Building Inspectors
  • Floodplain Managers
  • Planners
  • Concerned Citizens
  • Insurance Agents
  • Realtors
  • Contractors
  • Lenders
  • Students
  • Elected Officials
  • Local/State and Federal Agencies
  • Surveyors
  • Engineers
  • Media Representatives



The Association brings together those individuals who are experiencing similar problems with those who may have solutions. Members gain a better understanding of the state’s floodplain management efforts and develop a cooperative, harmonious relationship through participation in Association activities.


Members gain the ability to communicate a uniform position on current concerns, rule changes, local programs and other issues impacting floodplain management. A unified membership can present one strong voice to communicate the collective views of communities to the state legislature.


OFMA is a Chapter of the Association of State Floodplain Managers, Inc. As a Chapter, we can influence regional and national issues that affect flood hazard managers.


Seasonal newsletter, The B.F.E.


The OFMA Membership Directory, containing the contact information for those involved in floodplain management in Oklahoma, our strategic plan, Board of Directors addresses & telephone numbers, list of current OFMA CFM’s, OFMA Award Nomination forms, all past OFMA award recipients.


The opportunity to provide input to state & national leaders on important issues in the the field.


Discounts on OFMA Conference registration fees.


Corporate Sponsors will get their web page and/or email address linked to our web page.


Agency members will have each designated staff in our database receive newsletters and information updates, and enjoy membership rates on conferences.

Code of Ethics:

The Association is one which does not contemplate gain or profit to the members thereof, and is organized solely for non-profit purposes. No part of the net earnings of the Association shall personally benefit or be distributable to its members, directors, officers, or other private person, except to recompense for authorized services rendered and to make payments and distribution in furtherance of the will of the Association.

Strategic Plan

Our Strategic Plans are available for viewing and download. The use of our archives are bound by our terms of service agreement. By downloading a document, you agree to our terms of service.

Read our Terms of Service.