The objectives of the Oklahoma Floodplains Managers Association include promoting interest in flood damage abatement, improving cooperation among various related local, state and federal agencies and encouraging innovative approaches to managing the nation’s floodplains.

We bring together those individuals who are experiencing similar problems with those who may have solutions. Members gain a better understanding of the state’s floodplain management efforts and develop a cooperative, harmonious relationship through participation in Association activities.

Members gain the ability to communicate a uniform position on current concerns, rule changes, local programs and other issues impacting floodplain management. A unified membership can present one strong voice to communicate the collective views of communities to the state legislature.

OFMA is a Chapter of the Association of State Floodplain Managers, Inc. As a Chapter, we can influence regional and national issues that affect flood hazard managers.

“Mitigation is a bit like long-term preparedness if you think about it-an investment in the safety of a community long before a disaster.”


We appreciate our partners.

2024 Annual Conference

September 16 @ 8:00 am - September 18 @ 12:00 pm