Are We Ready for The Next Flood?
All OFMA members, local Floodplain Administrators, Stormwater Managers, and guest are invited to the 2020 OFMA Annual Conference that will be held VIRTUALLY. Register to attend, sponsor, or speak now at
While this year’s conference will be held virtually, the board is just as committed to providing engaging sessions by subject-matter experts on relevant and timely topics.
As usual, Monday morning will kick off with a plenary session including the following highlights:
- Opening Remarks from the Chair
- OFMA Program and Conference Logistics
- Oklahoma National Flood Insurance Program Update
- State Flood Plan Update
- Oklahoma Emergency Management Update
For the second part of the morning plenary, Pamela Williams, JD, Executive Director, BuildStrong Coalition, will speak about the Disaster Recovery Reform Act and FEMA’s Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Program. Pamela was the principal drafter of the Disaster Recovery Reform Act (DRRA), and is one of the most knowledgeable people on BRIC and DRRA. This session with include a Q&A portion. This plenary will conclude with a FEMA Region VI Update from Tony Robinson, Regional Administrator, FEMA Region VI.
The two afternoon session will include a total of six breakout options, covering the following topics:
- Low Impact Development
- Emergency Management for Floodplain Managers
- Floodplain Engineering and Mapping Projects
- Stormwater Quality Topics
- Case Studies from Floodplain Managers
- Community Rating System (already filled by ISO reviewers)
Each breakout will include three subject-matter speakers.
Committees and Region Representatives will meet Tuesday morning. These small group meetings will be followed by a plenary group discussion on formulating our policy agenda, led by our Legislative Committee Chair, Tom Leatherbee.
After a morning break, Jon Phillips, OWRB and Tom Leatherbee, City of Del City will host workshop sessions on Floodplain 101 and Fundamentals of
Code Inspections, respectively. A separate session will be held on Hazard Mitigation Planning and Assistance, moderated by Mitigation Committee chair, Annie Vest.
After lunch, Ron Johnson, OFMA Vice Chair, will lead our annual business meeting. The two workshops will be continued after this meeting while a breakout session on Flood Risk Reduction will be held separately with speakers to be determined.
After an afternoon break, we will hold the final plenary session, during which Secretary Rachel Cooper, County Engineer, Wagoner County will moderate a session called, Are We Ready For The Next Flood? A Panel Discussion With Federal, State, And Local Officials.
We will end with closing remarks by Ron Johnson, our 2020-2021 chair.